Help make RuffArmor better

2015-06-22 12.38.04.jpg

Exciting news!

We're working on designing a new RuffArmor seat cover. And because you read this blog, I'd love your help.

My goal is to create the toughest dog-proof seat cover ever for your vehicle.

Part of that process is figuring out what's working... and what's not.

So I can take that feedback and make a better, stronger, (more awesome) seat cover. A seat cover that you help create because I'll be taking your feedback and using it to design this new seat cover. 

Finally, you get a say in crafting a seat cover that you'd like to use in your vehicle.  It'll join you and your dog in all your adventures. No matter how crazy dirty you get. 

And I'm all ears.

Would you please take 3 minutes and fill out this quick survey?

Thank you so much. Can't wait to read your responses!
