Welcome to RuffArmor!
We're happy to see you here! We specialize in crafting high quality, water-resistant, dog auto seat covers for you. Our covers are designed to withstand years of abuse, miles of hikes and road trips, and never quit.
But who are we? And what's our secret to tough seat covers?
Let's begin with introductions all around...

Laura... lover of books, road trips, puppies.
A few years back, she picked out a golden fur ball who loved water and walks. A sun-dappled road never fails to inspire her road trip lust. She answers the call of the Colorado mountains every summer weekend, but especially favors midnight hikes while grizzly bears prowl nearby. But only if she can raise her nose from her most-recent read.

Indiana... the Golden Fur Ball who started it all.
He has the amazing ability to mop up everything in his path: sticks, mud, carcasses, grease from trees (believe it!), any drop of moisture. The loves of his life are secret naps on the bed, fresh snow, dirt-soaked tennis balls. He's always game for a good car ride, especially with the window open and fresh breeze tangling his ears.

He's the glue that holds the team together. With a master's degree in Ultimate Lollygagging, he's usually found loping behind the pack. He handles all aspects of water-resistance testing for RuffArmor. His yearly resolution is to soak through to the underlying seat and ruin it. Just once.

Riley... aka the Man in a Tux.
Born with an innate sense of timing and routine, he's the schedule-keeper. Never one to get distracted, he will forage every bush, dark cave or dusty crawl space with the fearlessness of a born solider.
His claws grow at the speed of light. In a fight with The Predator, he'd rip that crazy alien stem to stern. A day is not complete without a good walk.

Risk his wrath if you walk in front of his house, break an unwritten rule, or side with The Cat in an argument. In charge of testing the durability of every cover, his ultimate goal is to someday rip that damn fabric.

He's even tried puking on 'em, but they didn't break.

Stella... aka Quality Control Feline.
Queen of the house, her iron paws rule aspects of the house from when breakfast is served daily to what strange dogs are allowed entry into her kingdom.
She manages the bed and couch from floating away every day. But during her (few) work hours, she dutifully inspects each section of paracord and webbing to ensure its integrity, strength, and correct length. No piece of RuffArmor escapes her clever eye. Indeed, she oversees every photo shoot.
While home alone, she dances in the basement to Lady Gaga and recovers, gasping in pools of sunshine.

Mr. Cordura... aka The Military Fabric.
Heads up, this is the secret sauce.
1000 Deniver Invista Cordura. Made to last years and grow better with age like the best version of Harrison Ford.
Typically used in our military's gear, this is The Bad Boy of material. Rip-proof. Slays water. Guards against any unexpected attack.

We paired it with a vinyl liner on the lower bench seat for superior water resistance. Nobody else protects your auto seats like this no-nonsense pair. They love nothing better than a 14'er hike ending in a cold lake swim on a hot summer day. Then drive home, still damp, with windows open and music blasting.